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Children’s program (during the school year)

Tuesday evening 6:20-7:50 PM, for children, grade 1-6. They will be thought Bible lessons,  bible verses  and enjoy game time.

Sunday School 9:45 am (during the school year)

- Beginners (Ages 3- K)

- Junior I (Grade 1-3)

- Junior II (Grade 4-6)

- Teens ( Grade 7-12)

- Adults

Children’s and Junior Church

During the Sunday morning worship service at 11:00 AM, children age 4 to grade 4 are welcome to assemble in the front pews for the opening worship. They will be dismissed to participate in children’s church to enjoy Bible lessons and other age-appropriate activities.

871 Mountain Road, Moncton, NB, Canada, E1C 2S1

(506) 858-9844    parkside@nbnet.nb.ca